Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Garden Route Day 3.

We made our way to Plettenberg Bay Game Reserve for a 2 hour safari. We saw so many beautiful animals such as zebras, lions, giraffs, rhinos, hippos, crocadiles, buffalo, springbok, and other deer-like animals native to South Africa.

Overall this trip will be something I will never forget. It was amazing to spend time in nature, travel outside of Cape Town, especially along with some great friends!

Garden Route Day 2.

We made our way through the beautiful town of Knysna, where we stopped for some amazing ocean views.

Then headed to the Knysna forest or "The Crags" to The Elephant Sanctuary. Here we learned about the growth and development of elephants. We also walked trunk in hand, fed, and took a ride on these beautiful creatures.

We then made our way to the Tsitsikamma forest to zipline. Our canopy tour consisted of 8 lines that ran directly above a waterfall and river.

The Big Tree in Storms River

That evening we stayed at the backpackers in Storms River. We were provided a pasta dinner, accomodation, and an outdoor bonfire. My friends and I couldn't resist sleeping outside under the magnificant display of stars!

Garden Route Day 1.

After driving several hours through green mountians we arrived at The Cango Caves. We decided to take part in the adventure tour. This entailed viewing stalactites, stalagmites, crawling through the casket, devil's chimney, and through the post box. Some of the rock formations were a difficult squeeze, but we all made it through.

Exiting The Post Box

We stayed at a backpackers that evening in the town of Wilderness. Our accomodations provided brick oven pizzas, our own room, and amazing views directly to the ocean.

A room at the Backpackers

View from the Backpackers