Monday, May 10, 2010


Kirstenbosch is a botanical garden located about 20 minutes outside of Cape Town. The large garden is made up of hundreds of different types of plant life. The winding paths that lead you through the vegetation are embedded into a lower part of Table Mountian.

The gardens also house the summer concert series each year. The concerts are every Sunday evening during the warm months in South Africa (December - March).

Rainy day at Kirstenbosch!


3 Bishop
Observatory, Cape Town


I rented a room in this house for 3 months

My roommates were 5 Scandinavian students. 4 Norwegians and 1 Sweed!

The home contained 6 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 lounge areas, 1 dining area, 1 kitchen, and a back patio. All enclosed by secure metal bars on the windows.

I was able to make myself comfortable here and feel at home!

Center Hall
